Tourism officials tout the draw of PA WildsThursday, March 26, 2009By Wendy B. Lynn Staff Writer--
The Progress NewsDUBOIS - Tourism officials, county commissioners and representatives of various state departments gathered yesterday at the DuBois Country Club for the second annual progress report and update on the Pennsylvania Wilds Initiative. Among the speakers were Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Michael DiBeradinis, Deputy Secretary of Tourism Mickey Rowley and PA Wilds Tourism Marketing Corp. Chairman Jason Fink.The event was also held to showcase what is going on in various areas of the 12-county region. The PA Wilds is the largest block of land between New York City and Chicago open for public enjoyment and boasts 29 state parks, eight state forest districts, the Allegheny National Forest, the largest elk herd in the northeast and the darkest skies in the east at Cherry Springs State Park. Locally, the PA Wilds includes Clearfield, Elk and Jefferson counties.One big announcement was the introduction of the new PA Wilds Ombudswoman, Tataboli- ne "Ta" Brant, a Warren County native who will be helping small businesses and entrepreneurs to develop services encouraging the growth of tourism in the region.
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