Saturday, January 24, 2009

Guest Column by Darryl Lyon

Darryl W. Lyon of Bangor, Maine (formerly of Emporium) is an assistant professor of military science at the University of Maine’s ROTC program. He is a career Army officer and recently commanded B/3-172 Infantry (Mountain) during a combat tour in Iraq. Darryl recently was published in the Bangor Daily News.

The newest target of al-Qaida: our nation’s schools
Darryl W. Lyon

Since 9-11 Islamic terrorists have been debating grand strategy. Osama bin Laden theorized that the United States would crumble after a series of spectacular attacks.
In a recent book published by al-Qaida theoretician Skeik Abu-Bakar Naji, Naji advocates a new, more diabolical strategy. He suggests the jihad become a long-term, low-intensity war extended anywhere in the world, conducting “countless small operations” that render daily life unbearable — the “infidel” should leave his house every morning, unsure whether he’ll return in the evening. more

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